Class Styles

Flow is our general flow class. It consists of a typical structure of warm up, vinyasa flow, breath awareness and meditation. Within these classes you will be offered the opportunity and invitation to take more advanced options.

Hatha Slow Flow
They are typically a much slower paced class giving you an opportunity to feel your breath, close your eyes and notice what you feel and need on the inside. Personal adjustments needed to drop inwards are encouraged in these classes.
These classes have a gentle coming back to self approach and a focus on self-love and appreciation.
These Classes are appropriate for all levels.

Grounded Flow is guided by the season. In these classes we look to Ayurveda (sister science of yoga) for inspiration to guide us.
Using ancient traditions of breath and movement to support ourselves through the changing environment. These classes are suitable for all abilities.

The Complete Practice is a 75 minute class. This gives us an opportunity to dive a little deeper and feel a little more into our breath and our shapes. The class structure is mindfulness, vinyasa (slow flow and flow movement) Yin with meditation and breathing practices.
These classes are avail for all ages and abilities.

Yin and Meditation
Yin yoga is an invitation to turn inwards it creates an opportunity to release deep tension within the body. We activate this by creating shapes that target the connective tissue, each shape is held between 3-5min. Long deep breathes are often encouraged as we slowly and carefully start to release.
These classes will also either begin or end with a dedicated meditation.